Newsletter – December 2023

As 2023 draws to a close, this newsletter reports back on how the BBC has been active with interesting talks and field walks, supported the Great Southern Bioblitz, held its second AGM, contributed to KBWild and received its Non-Profit Organization registration.

Newsletter – June 2023

Our new newsletter banner highlights the phrase from Craig Foster’s message to the BBC at its first AGM in 2022. We will be promoting this, giving practical ideas of simple acts that we can all do because, as Craig said, “when lots of people each do small acts every day it makes a big difference”.

Newsletter – December 2022

This is our final newsletter of 2022 informing you of our recent activities. We hope it will encourage you to join in the Betty’s Bay Conservancy (BBC) events next year.

Newsletter – August 2022

The BBC has been busy since our March 2022 newsletter and we have lots to report back on. We hope there will be something of interest to all of you and that it will encourage you to join in future BBC events.

Members Tea and Wetlands Walk

On Saturday 26 March the Betty’s Bay Conservancy (BBC) launched its ‘4th Saturday of the Month’ events programme with a ‘Meet and Greet’ members’ tea at Crassula Hall followed by an ‘Introduction to Wetlands’ walk.