“Biosphere Living” on Your Holiday in Betty’s Bay

If you love being in nature and spending time at the beach, on the mountains or at the lakes, then Betty’s Bay in the Kogelberg Biosphere is a great place for a holiday.
Be an R44 Lifesaver!

Clarence Drive, part of the R44, is now fully open with no ”stop and go” sections.
Just in time for the start of the holidays!
In some ways these “stop and go” sections helped to slow down speeding motorists and bikers.
Guidelines for Visitors to the African Penguin Colony at Stony Point, Betty’s Bay

Guidelines for Visitors to the African Penguin Colony at Stony Point, Betty’s Bay
Betty’s Bay’s Nesting Shorebirds

Betty’s Bay’s Nesting Shorebirds
‘Biosphere Living’ Lighting

Light Pollution is the human-made alteration of outdoor light levels from those occurring naturally.
Welcome to the coastal conservancy villages of the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve

Welcome to the coastal conservancy villages of the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve
Alien Invasive Species

This practical guide aims to empower land users (landowners, land managers and contractors) in the Cape Floral Region to understand the threat of invasive alien plants (IAPs) and manage the IAPs on their land